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Government Bodies


Government Bodies…An Introduction

The onus of urban, planned development in West Bengal over the last decade has gathered velocity, thanks to the concerted efforts of all the premier Government Nodal Bodies. The primary action bodies responsible for this change has been:

West Bengal Housing Board West Bengal Housing Board, or, WBHB, Kolkata is presently involved with the construction of more than 3000 units in different parts of West Bengal . The areas involved are South Paraganas , Rajarhat, New Town, Siliguri…
The construction costs of these projects will be around INR 70-80 crore against INR 41 crore of last year. West Bengal Housing Board is tied up and operates in collaboration with private players like…

•  Bengal Ambuja Housing Development Limited

•  Bengal Peerless Housing Development Limited

•  Bengal Shrachi Housing Development Limited

•  Bengal DCL Housing Development Limited

•  Bengal IFB Housing Development Limited

Since its inception, it has constructed more than 28,000 DUs comprising 1151 numbers of EWS, 4206 numbers of LIG, 10733 numbers of MIG and 12348 numbers of HIG buildings.


West Bengal Housing Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited, or WBHIDCO, popularly known as HIDCO, was set up as a Government Company on April 26, 1999. Though this Corporation has a state-wide mandate, its immediate focus area is the development of a planned town near the City of Kolkata towards its north eastern fringe.

This Corporation has been given wide powers to acquire and sell land, for different purposes, develop the entire range of infrastructure services, construct housing and commercial premises and also to maintain the New Town till such time a regular body is established for the delivery of such services.



The Kolkata Municipal Corporation, or KMC, is the nodal body responsible for the planned, urban development of Kolkata. KMC's jurisdiction extends over an area of 187.33 sqkm, which is inhabited by a population of 4.58 million (as per the 2001 census). It is governed by the provisions of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation Act, 1980.

Kolkata has witnessed a steady increase in its population and economic base in the recent past, emerging as the third-largest city in the country. It also has the distinction of being the central metropolitan city for business activities in East India .



The Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority, or KMDA, is also engaged in the construction of houses and area development. The KMDA has built two satellite townships at Baishnabghata-Patuli and East Kolkata . The KMDA has so far constructed a substantial number of dwelling units at Golf Green, Baishnabghata-Patuli, Barrackpore, Bagha Jatin, Bidhannagar and Kalyani. Further construction of a good number of flats is being taken up at Barrackpore, East Kolkata and Bidhannagar.

The KMDA has also taken up a Housing-cum-Commercial Project, ' Hiland Park ' in the joint sector. The joint sector company 'Calcutta Metropolitan Group Limited' has completed the construction of more than 230 apartments and the handing over of these flats is in progress. The KMDA has also set up another joint sector company called Bengal Ambuja Metro Development Limited, to construct commercial, cultural and recreational facilities at Bidhannagar.

Dankuni Township in Hooghly District has been conceived by the KMDA as a mega Township . The distance of the township from Kolkata is about 15 km. The township will accommodate 10-15 lakh people.

The West Bengal Building (Regulation of Construction and Transfer by Promoters) Act, 1993 was passed by the State Government to protect the interest of prospective buyers in the private sector housing and the safeguard their rights from illegal and unplanned activities of some private promoters. The basic objective of this Act is not to curb the private sector activities but to ensure that buyers in the private sector are not duped and basic parameters of building construction are not violated. The provisions of the Act also protect the genuine problems of private entrepreneurs.

The construction of adequate shelters in rural areas is also one of our major concerns. The Government of West Bengal has been implementing various low cost housing schemes in the rural sector under various Central Government schemes for the benefit of the rural people belonging to Below the Poverty Line category.

A new scheme 'Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana' (VAMBAY) has been introduced to create housing facilities for those who are Below the Poverty Line (BPL) and living in slums. VAMBAY is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme with the State Government sharing fifty per cent of the cost.

Housing is a major employment-generating sector. The construction industry alone, it is reported, provides employment to 16% workforce in our country. The Industries associated with Brick, Cement, Steel, Paints, Electrical fixtures, Sanitary and Plumbing fixtures have a vital role in the process of generating national economic growth. These industries will flourish with the development of the housing sector.

The construction of the Vidyasagar Setu is regarded as a very significant addition to the infrastructure developing of the city and its neighbouring places. The Public Works Department of the State Government is now constructing flyovers at Taratala, Lake Gardens , Bondel Gate and Birati. The KMDA over the last three decades has constructed a number of bridges and flyovers such as Chetla Bridge , Bijon Setu, Bridge No. 4, Ambedkar Bridge , Sealdah Flyover and Brabourne Flyover. The Master Plan for Traffic and Transportation for Kolkata Metropolitan Area, prepared recently by the KMDA for Kolkata Metropolitan Planning Committee, includes 16 flyovers in Kolkata City to be implemented on priority basis including those already taken up under the Japanese loan assistance. Two of those Japan-assisted flyovers have already been opened to traffic. We are also identifying schemes for construction Railway underpasses and bridges over canals within the city of Kolkata . The flyovers and bridges will require huge financial resources. Any assistance from the private sector will be highly appreciated.

Special schemes are being adopted to address the needs of composite, multi-utility and multi-modal bus termini in the city of Kolkata . At present, the Government is working on a bi-polar dispersal system for the passenger transport infrastructure. One such multi-modal facility is contemplated beneath the interchange of the second Hooghly Bridge on the Howrah side for western and southern dispersal, and another on the eastern side of the city for eastern and northern dispersal of passenger traffic from the city.


Zilla Parishads

The Zilla Parishads across the state of West Bengal have played a pivotal role in fast tracking the planned, development programmes. The Barddhaman, Howrah , Bankura and Medinipore Zilla Parishads have been some of the leading proponents of the District Development Schemes of the West Bengal Government.


Haldia Development Authority

The Haldia Development Authority or, HDA was established in 1980 under the West Bengal Town & Country (Planning & Development) Act, 1979. The HDA Board now consists of 14 members including Chairman. The life of the Board is normally three years.

HDA covers an area of 326.92 sqkm with a population of around 3.91 lakh (census 1991). The functions of the Authority are to prepare and enforce Land Use and Development Control Plan, or LUDCP to prescribe use of land within its area. To prepare development plan for the area and execute these directly or through other agencies, promote industries and housing and commercial complexes develop infrastructure like road, electricity, water, sewerage and drainage, and help creation of social infrastructure to co-ordinate development activities of all departments and agencies of the State Government or local authorities operating within the Planning Area.

HDA has developed a number of Industrial complexes. Many major industries such as MCCPIA, South Asian Petrochem Limited…have already set-up three factories in Haldia. Many downstream industries such as Capstan Shipping & Estate Limited, Hindusthan Seals Limited, Mancus Oil & Chemicals Limited, Indian Oil Blending Limited, and Indian Institute of Information Technology have been allotted land for setting up industries.

The Authority has developed some important projects…like Anusua Complex, Durgachak, and Priyambada complex, Basudevpur, Swati Housing Complex, and Hatiberia…

HDA is committed to supply industrial and domestic water. With a view to ensuring steady and quality water to all concern existing 20 mgd. Water treatment plant at Geonkhali has been renovated. Installation of a new plant of 30 mgd capacity at Uluberia is under progress. For supply water to HPL factory, HDA has constructed underground reservoir at Chaitanyapur with a pump-house. For rehabilitation evicts, HDA has developed rehabilitation colonies at Khudiramnagar, Debhog, Kashbere, and Hatiberia.

HDA has undertaken some important infrastructural projects such as improvement of HPL Link Road , Construction of road from Barda Railways Station to Geonkhali Water Works, Construction of Bye-Pass Road from Khudiram Square to River Ring Road via MCPI factory. Construction of a ring road is under contemplation.

HDA is deeply involved in development of electrical supply with WBSEB in the larger interest of industries, water supply projects and other important premises. The notable among them are Khudiramnagar Sub-Station, illumination of HPL Link Road & River Bank Road, Electrification of Ramnagar, Azad Hind Nagar…

One stadium has been constructed by HDA with a seating capacity of around 12000 people at Durgachak. Two parks have been created, developed and being maintained by the HDA at Durgachak and Basudevpur with play equipments, garden and lawn.

Quite a good Nos. of stalls have been constructed and leased out at Supermarket, Durgachak and Swati Housing Complex Phase I.

HDA has taken a leading role to establish two numbers Govt. sponsored schools…one Secondary and the other Higher Secondary and also a Degree College and an Engineering college.



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