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Vaastu…An introduction

Vaastu is a complete understanding of direction, geography, topography, environment and physics. It is a study that dictates the form size and orientation of a building, in relation to the plot, soil, surroundings and the personality of the owner/dweller. There is no room for rituals and superstitions.

Vaastu orientates, places and dictates the proportions of every detail as in building lines, skylines, elongations, levels, slopes, water tanks (underground and overhead), kitchen, bedrooms, toilets, staircase, heights of ceilings and roofs, entrances and loci of doors and windows, compound walls and so on.

Architectural science and equipment have undergone a sea change over the years. However, the principles of Vaastu, although modified to suit the modern times, still remain applicable.

Impulsive planning and unorganised architectural methods, have led to the primary malady mankind faces today… disharmony. Today more and more architects are turning to Vaastu Shastra, to undo this.

Disadvantages of improper Vaastu

There is no reason to tip the balance if your fortunes, peace of mind, health and your business are doing fine and are in perfect harmony. Your place already has a good Vaastu. If not, browse on....

You are at an occupational age. You are qualified. You are resourceful and brilliant. Yet, nothing is going fine. You opt for an equally qualified business partner. Nothing seems to be wrong on paper, but you find yourself squabbling because nothing seems to be working and your contemporaries, though of lesser caliber, leave you far behind. It is highly likely that the Vaastu of your office/factory is not rightly aligned.

Check this out…you plithe your troth. You start fighting with your spouse, say for no reason at all. The offspring you love very much are more troublesome, you find. Your children are behaving rather antisocially due to reasons beyond your understanding. Your parents come to visit you. Previously such a joy, now they appear to be burdensome.

The food you eat tastes lousy with missing salutiferous values. Your fortunes start slipping away and you enter a corridor of eternal uncertainty. Before you label yourself a failure, hold on...

Chances are, you are just going about it the wrong way. The Vaastu of your dwelling could be again not correctly aligned. Correct it. Don't expect miracles to happen, but you will definitely reap the benefits, by and by.


Truth about Vaastu

There is nothing metaphysical about Vaastu. It is just that the hidden harmony of Nature and the environs around have been defied. Most Vaastu Consultants as a practice, do not attempt to compare the incomparable or even try to explain it on the basis of magnetic waves, ultra-violet rays, cosmic rays and so forth, as these are but the tips of unknown, unexplored icebergs.

The truth is that it works and probably the lowest common denominator of any such venture is its repetitive success, as many conglomerates and inhabitants of Vaastu-designed premises will vouch for. May be somewhere, sometime in the future, there will be an explanation for the mechanics of Vaastu, but to dissect it today is a futile exercise.


Basic Principles of Vaastu

The following are some of the Vaastu-logically correct principles of house making and design. Please note that like most of the ancient sciences, some of the knowledge that is contained in these principles may not be any more relevant at present times. However, the very basic of Vaastu principles will always continue to be beneficial to the mankind in one form or the other.

The basic principles are:

  1. If you are in the process of buying a plot or site, please remember that plots/sites in South West, South & West directions are more advantageous than others.
  2. According to Vaastu, the most beneficial entrances in the house are those in North East, East or North direction.
  3. Living Room or the dining room is best looked in East, North & Northeast directions.
  4. The bedroom according to Vaastu should be in southwest/south or west direction.
  5. The children's bedroom should ideally be in NorthWest. It could be in Southeast & North as well but never in southwest or south.
  6. If you are fortunate enough in present times to have the luxury of having a separate room for the guests , make the guestroom in Northwest or northeast direction.
  7. The kitchen of the house is ideally located in Southeast followed by NorthWest & East.
  8. Bathrooms & Toilets should be in Northwest of the house or in West or South direction.
  9. While purchasing a plot or a site, it is advisable to go in for a rectangular or square shape . As far as possible, the site should be slopping towards North & East or Northeast.
  10. While making the building or the house, it is advisable to have equal open space on all four sides. The levels of open spaces should be higher in South & West sides, and lower in North & East sides. Outlets of rainwater should be in Northeast or North zones.
  11. The living room of the central zone (Brahmasthan) should be free from any kind of obstructions . By obstructions, we mean any kind of beam, pillar, fixture, toilet, and staircases or even a wall or lift.
  12. The direction in which you sleep is also very important. One should never sleep with head in the north. Sleeping with head towards south ensures long life. While on a journey, it is advisable to sleep with head towards west.
  13. In your study room , have your seat so as to face east or north. Do not have a toilet in the study room, though you can have a bathroom.
  14. Do not use a dark colour in the study room. Use yellow or white or pink. Put the bookshelf in the East or the North.
  15. If you construct more than a floor, prepare the first floor on Southwest. The height of first floor shall not exceed that of ground floor. Do not build a storeroom on first floor.
  16. It is said that a storeroom in the Northwest corner leads to abundant supply of essential commodities. Keep a holy picture on one eastern wall. Light colours should not be used on the storeroom. Use dark colours or blue or green. Never sleep in the storeroom at night. Also refrain from taking out grains from the storeroom in night.
  17. The bathroom/bathrooms can be either inside or outside the house. In case it is inside, it should be located on the eastern or northern side. (If they are attached to a bedroom, then to eastern or northern side of the bedroom). When located outside, then it should be in Northeast corner, but away from the main building.The lavatories are forbidden in Northeast, Centre, Southwest and West directions of the house.
  18. Vaastu Shastra also guides us about what type of plants and trees should be planted around a dwelling unit so as to enjoy their positive properties the most.
  19. Vaastu does not prescribe having a Mango, Banana or a Jamun tree very near your house. However Peepal at some distance from the house in West direction is considered auspicious, as is Imli in South West of the house.
  20. It is also auspicious to have an Anaar, Ashoka, Chandan, Champa, Chameli,Gulaab , Nariyal & Keshar tree around a house.
  21. On the size and shape of the door , Vaastu advises that width of the door should be half of the height of the door. Square doors, as also automatic doors should be avoided.
  22. The Paintings/Statues in the house are also important. One should not have pictures depicting war scenes (even if they belong to the Epic Mahabharata or Ramayan battles). Similiarly scenes depicting negativities of life like sorrow, struggle, violence (including that of wild beasts), tragedy and calamities.



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